Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.05.25 Full Patch & Keygen

Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker. Dari namanya sudah bisa ditebak, Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker adalah sebuah software designer untuk membuat text dan logo dalam 3D(3 Dimensi), Ada refleksi dan efek tekstur animasi, dan berbagai alat cepat, sangat mudah digunakan.

Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker memungkinkan Anda menggunakan salah satu font yang terinstal pada sistem anda untuk menghasilkan judul 3D yang menakjubkan dan tombol, lengkap dengan format favorit Anda seperti tebal, miring, garis bawah, superskrip, dan subscript. Dan keajaiban yang sama yang Anda buat dengan teks adalah sama berlaku untuk bentuk.

Dengan Aurora 3D Text and Logo Maker kita bisa membuat logo dan text 3D dengan mudah, karena sudah tersedia berbagai macam template yang dapat kita gunakan dan edit sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita. Untuk hasil akhirnya, anda bisa menyimpannya dalam berbagai format digital seperti PNG, JPG, Tiff, BMP, GIF, TGA dll, SWF, GIF, dll. setiap kali kita ingin mempromosikan citra kita, halaman web atau teks layar atau grafis untuk menambahkan efek 3D, pikiran mungkin muncul membuat keterampilan dengan software designer seperti 3DMax yang kompleks atau Photoshop.

Key features of Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker:

Internal Animation Style:
· Every object can have many types of animations, such as rotate, swing, beat, wave, fade, typewriter, pulse.

3D Manipulator:
· Drag the button at the right-bottom of an object, and you can extrude the text or shape.
· You can control the object position, rotate and scale at X/Y/Z.

3D Graphic Templates:
· Get a lot of 3D Text and logo templates. Make you own 3D Text and Logo in minutes. Don’t need the basic of 3D Design.

Free-Hand Shape:
· Create your shape easily. Use the freehand shape tool, to edit your shape. You can import an .SVG file to the canvas and edit the nodes of the shape.

Quick Styles:
· You can change an object’s appearance quickly, just select the object and click the styles color button. You can get your results quickly.

SVG & Picture Import:
· You can import a 2D shape such as an .SVG file, and you can also import the SVG file to the freehand canvas and edit it.
· You can import picture to the software and change to 3D Effect.

3D Graphic Mode:
· Changing the graphic mode can quickly change the style of your design. You have Borders, Board, Buttons, 2D and 3D Text.

Shape Switch:
· Change an object’s shape. Just select the shape and select another shape on the panel. You can edit the shape detail by editing the properties.

Graphic Library:
· Add a shape from the SVG shape library, text shape library, or from the toolbox. There are as many as four thousand shapes in the library.

Text Edit:
· Full control of the text. Every text can use a different format and colors.

Color and Texture:
· Select different parts of an object and change the color.
· Supports dynamic texture, let the texture move, rotate and scale automatically on the object.

Bevel Effects:
· Change the bevel effect for shape and text separately.

Distort Effects:
· Shape and text can have many types of distortions, such as sector, curve, arch, heave, sunken, wave.

Dynamic Background:
· Supports dynamic background, let the background move, rotate and scale automatically.

Light Control:
· Full control of light settings.

Set Render Size:
· You can set the size of preview and export.

Export Image:
· Export designs as PNG, JPG, Tiff, BMP, GIF, TGA files, which can be imported and edited in other illustration applications.

Export Animation:
· Export Animation to Movie, GIF animation or Image Sequence as you like.Which can be imported and edited in other video edit applications.

Cara Aktivasi Aurora.3D Text & Logo Maker 12.05.25:
1. Install Aurora.3D.Text Logo & Maker 12.05.25 hingga proses instalasi selesai 100%
2. Jika sudah membuka Aurora 3D Text Logo & Maker 12.05.25, lalu anda exit dari program tersebut
3. Jalankan Keygen Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.05.25
4. Pilih Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.05.25, lalu masukkan registry info dengan nama anda, kemudian klik generate, nanti akan muncul Serial Number Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.05.25

6. Langkah selanjutnya klik patch dan cari Maker3D.exe yang ada di My Computer > Program Files > Aurora3D > Maker3D > Maker3D.exe, setelah itu pilih Maker3D.exe dan klik open
7. Copy Serial Number lalu buka program Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.05.25, klik menu HELP > REGISTRY
8. Masukkan Username dan serial number dari keygen. Masukkan registry Info dan email terserah anda dan setelah itu klik register
9. Selamat, Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.05.25 milik anda sudah full version dan ENJOY (^_^)

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Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.05.25 

Patch & Keygen Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 12.05.25 

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